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时间:2023-05-05 23:09:48 来源:互联网 分享至:


1、With the progress of auto technology and the rapid development of science and technology, automotive products have been into the family, and as a transport, gradually into the civilian. Domestic after-sales service more and more get the attention of people, the emergence of the automobile after-sale service is caused by market competition, and is also a means of automobile marketing. This article mainly through to the car after-sales service system, analyzes the present situation of research in the insufficient place to put forward some improvement Suggestions.Withtherapiddevelopmentofautomotivetechnologyandprogressofscienceandtechnology,automotiveproductsintothefamily,andasameansoftransport,graduallyintothecivilian.Theaftersaleservicehasbeenpaidmoreandmoreattention,automobilecustomerserviceserviceisthemarketcompetition,butalsoameansofautomotivemarketing.Thispaperonthestatusofthecaraftersaleservicesystemareanalyzed,andputsforwardsomesuggestionsforimprovementintheinsufficientplace.。



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